Different Fighting Styles

Getting involved in MMA can be very exciting since you’ll be able to explore a variety of fighting styles. Nevertheless, you’re only going to have time to focus on a handful of them so you’ll want to choose wisely. Which styles are the most effective in combat situations? Which styles are going to provide you with the most benefits and the fewest negatives?

The stance is also different from other martial arts, so be prepared to be sore in odd places. Fighting when your tired is a key skill and most Krav Maga programs are extremely adept at. Martial arts are practiced for a variety of different reasons including self-defense, physical fitness, entertainment and competition. Some even consider martial arts as a way of achieving spiritual growth. If you’re interested in finding the right martial arts for you, check out our course on Martial Arts for Beginners. I have accumulated a. This Chinese martial art uses numerous fighting styles, some of them involving acrobatic elements such as flips, jumps, and high kicks. Kung fu can be loosely divided into two schools: those that focus on arm work, such as rapid, close-range punching; and those that focus on acrobatics, with kicks and leg work.

10 Best MMA fighting styles so you can find the ones that suit your needs

1. Boxing

Ultimately, boxing is one of the oldest forms of martial arts. Some may refer to this as western boxing. Nevertheless, western boxing is the technique comprising of punches. This art will require you to learn a handful of punches including jabs, crosses, hooks, and uppercuts.

Different Fighting Styles Star Wars

If you’ve managed to master the art of boxing, you will be able to avoid punches while delivering hard blows of your own. While this martial art is very effective on the feet, you’re going to be left vulnerable on the ground.


  • You’ll be able to hold your own on the feet
  • You can mix up your punches to catch your opponent off guard
  • You’ll gain addition power
  • Your cardio will improve


  • You’re not going to be good on the ground

Is It For Me?

At the end of the day, boxing is one of the most exciting combat sports on the planet. However, you need to make sure it is suitable for your MMA venture. Do you like punching people in the face? Do you want to learn how to slip punches and deliver painful counter blows? If you’ve answered yes to these questions, boxing is for you. It is one of the best MMA fighting styles for brawlers. If you want to stand up and fight, you’ll want to learn how to box.

The only downside is that you’re going tofind yourself in a world of hurt once the fight hits the mat. With that beingsaid, it is wise to learn a combination of styles so you’ll be ready to protectyourself no matter where the fight goes.

2. Submission Wrestling

Submission wrestling is one of the most effective styles for mixed martial arts. While submission wrestling is similar to collegiate wresting, it is much different. The submission wrestler will have a clear advantage over its opponent so they’ll be able to lock onto submissions while taking advantage of their wrestling prowess. This may enable them to end the match quickly so they don’t have to worry about taking any punishment. However, the wrestler will need to get the fight to the mat as soon as possible.


  • You can get the fight to the mat very quickly
  • You’ll be able to control your opponent while you catch your breath
  • Nullifying your opponent will be easy
  • You can pull off submissions to end the fight quicker


  • Your stand-up skills will be limited
  • Your takedowns might not be as good as a collegiate wrestler

Is It For Me?

Being a wrestler is tough since you’ll haveto get the fight to the ground first. When you’re dealing with a skilledopponent with good takedown defense, you may have to take a few shots first.With this in mind, submission wrestling is only suitable for tough individuals.Make sure you can take a few shots without quitting before agreeing to selectthis style as your primary MMA fighting style.

3. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

There is nothing more exciting or beautiful than watched a BJJ artist submit an opponent. They’ll quickly work their opponent to the mat before looking for a submission. Whether they’re going for an arm, leg, or neck, you can guarantee that it is going to be quick and painful. BJJ practitioners are one of a kind. They’ll be able to secure unique submissions that others cannot. When everything goes your way, you’ll be able to take your opponent down and secure a submission win without getting hit in the face.

However, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is not good onthe feet. If you cannot get the right to the ground, you’re going to findyourself in a lot of trouble.


  • You’ll be able to submit your opponents more often than not
  • You can nullify the fight on the ground
  • In perfect situations, you’ll be able to win without getting hit or hitting your opponent


  • Your stand-up game will suffer
  • You may have trouble getting your opponent to the ground

Is It For Me?

BJJ is amazing and it can be used in thereal world. If you run into a dangerous individual, you can take them to theground and hold them there using your BJJ skills. Nevertheless, MMA fightersare professionals. They’ve discovered ways to counter BJJ fighters. Therefore,you may find it difficult to get your opponent to the ground. If this happens,you’ll be out of your element and that can be frightening. Adding BJJ to yourarsenal is a good idea. However, you should not rely solely on this martial artsince it is going to leave you vulnerable on the feet.

4. Kickboxing

Kickboxing is similar to boxing but there are notable differences. With kickboxing, you’re going to be adding your elbows, knees, and shins to the equation. You’ll also develop a unique stance so you can defend from these attacks. Kickboxers have deadly kicks but their punches may lack power. Nevertheless, any kickboxer will be able to do exceptionally well in combat sports. Their success will depend on the type and skill of opponent they’re fighting. If they’re fighting a newbie with limited wrestling skills, they’ll thrive.

If they’re fighting a skilled wrestler, thekickboxer may find himself on the ground without a chance of getting up.Therefore, it is an excellent art to train but it might not be suitable foreveryone.


  • You’ll have more tools to work with
  • You can use kicks to keep your opponent away
  • You might be able to KO your opponent right away
  • You can mix it up and catch your opponent off guard


  • Your ground game is limited
  • If your opponent catches your kick, you’re headed for the ground

Is It For Me?

Kickboxing is a great addition for anymixed martial artist. Nevertheless, it is limited on its own. You’re going tohave a tough time fighting off of the mat. You may end up finding herself pinnedto the mat for 4 of the 5 minutes. Therefore, it is not suitable for everyone.If you cannot stand the thought of being put into a situation where you’rehopeless, you’ll want to learn a different martial art. If you’re interested inknocking people out, kickboxing will be a good option for you.

5. Judo

Judo has grown in popularity and it is easy to see why. The founder of the combat art also practiced jiu jitsu. So, it has elements of BJJ added into the equation. Nevertheless, judo was designed for people small in stature. This means that you can toss people around even if you’re slightly smaller than them. Over the years, Judo has established itself as one of the most dominant martial arts.

It was added to the Olympics in 1964. With that being said, you can see that Judo is legit. It can be a great martial art for anyone who wants to get the fight to the canvas.


  • It works great for smaller fighters
  • You can toss around bigger opponents
  • You’ll be able to get the fight to the ground quickly
  • There are several submissions to enjoy


  • Your options for ending the fight as limited
  • You’re going to be a duck out of water on the feet

Is It For Me?

Judo is not suitable for everyone. Ifyou’re a bigger guy who can toss people around, you may want to go with BJJsince it’ll give more options to end the fight much sooner. Judo is suitablefor smaller fighters who want to nullify their opponent on the ground asquickly as possible. You can also use Judo in the real world. Whether you needto stop an attacker or prevent a thief from fleeing the scene, Judo will do thetrick. Just remember that you’re going to have a tough time defending yourselfon the feet. You’ll need to get the fight to the mat as quickly as possible.

Different Fighting Styles In Boxing

6. Greco-Roman Wrestling

Different Fighting Styles Of The World

When it comes down to it, Greco-Roman Wrestling is one of the most effective forms of wrestling. It has been used in the Olympic Games since 1896. The wrestling style has been featured in every summer Olympics since 1904. When compared to freestyle wrestling, you will see that there is one minor difference. When you’re involved in a Greco-Roman Wrestling competition, you will not be able to grab your opponent below the waist. This makes things much tougher and places more emphasis on throws. You won’t be able to trip your opponent.

One of the most popular Greco-Romanwrestlers of all time is Randy Couture. He excelled in MMA and you’ll be ableto do the same with this style.


  • You’ll learn throws that enable you to get the fight to the ground quickly
  • You will get very strong
  • You can learn a lot about fighting in the clinch
  • You’ll learn how to use underhooks and that will make a huge difference in MMA


  • Your striking ability will not be impressive
  • You’ll need to use the cage or mat to find success

Is It For Me?

Greco-Roman Wrestling has been used by someof the world’s top MMA fighters including Randy Couture, Matt Lindland, and DanHenderson. There is a good chance you’ve heard of these individuals. If youlike and want to emulate Couture’s fighting style, you’ll want to learnGreco-Roman wrestling. It is a good choice since you’ll be able to hold youropponent against the cage or ground. You’ll be able to slam your opponent tothe ground and immediately take control of the situation. You’ll be able topunish your opponent in the clinch too. Greco-Roman wrestlers have a greatchance of excelling in MMA.

7. Sambo

It is rare to see someone use Sambo in MMA. Nevertheless, it is one of the most effective martial arts for combat sports. With this skill, you’ll learn how to defend yourself. Sambo stands for “self-defense without weapons”. It was developed by the Russian SFSR in the Soviet Union and has been around since the 1920s. There are several big name MMA fighters who practiced Sambo including Fedor and Andrei Arlovski. The latter didn’t use it very much but Fedor did. Current UFC lightweight champion, Khabib Nurmagomedov, practices Sambo as well.

The only downside to Sambo is the fact that many strikes have been outlawed. While Sambo allowed soccer kicks, groin strikes, and headbutts, MMA does not. Nevertheless, Sambo is an effective technique that will prove to be great for any MMA fighter.


  • You’ll be able to get your opponent down quickly
  • You can use a range of strikes to punish your opponent
  • You’ll also be able to submit your opponent at will


  • Your opponent may have an advantage on the feet

Is It For Me?

If you’re a big fan of the Russianfighters, you may like Sambo. It is similar to wrestling but it takes things toa new level. Sambo is a little more violent making it good for street fighters.Just remember that you won’t be able to soccer kicks, headbutts, and groinstrikes in MMA. You can use them in combat sambo but you’ll have to remove themfrom your arsenal before being involved in an MMA contest. Either way, Sambo isa good option for many people. If you like wrestling but want somethingdifferent, you should give it a try.

8. Shoot Wrestling

Next, you have shoot wrestling. This style of wrestling combines aspects of catch wrestling, Greco-Roman wrestling, freestyle wrestling, Muay Thai, and so much more. Shoot wrestling attempts to rely on more realistic moves. When you learn shoot wrestling, you’re going to experience full contact moves. This will increase the excitement for the fan while ensuring that you’re able to control your opponent. Shoot wrestling has become very popular. It was trained at the Lion’s Den and the Shamrock Martial Arts Academy.

Bas Rutten worked with Masakatsu Funaki whois a legendary shoot wrestler. This technique can be very effective in MMA aslong as it is used properly. Some forms of shoot wrestling place more emphasison submissions than others. Therefore, you’ll need to find a trainer who isoffering what you’re after.


  • You’ll be able to combine various wrestling disciplines
  • You can submit your opponent
  • Getting the fight to the ground won’t be tough
  • You can expand on this form of wrestling to make it more effective


  • Standing and banging is not a good idea
  • You may gas out early on

Is It For Me?

Ultimately, shoot wrestling is not suitablefor everyone. It can be tough and you struggle at first. After all, you’relearning various techniques from many different wrestling disciplines.Nevertheless, it’ll pay off in the long run. With shoot wrestling, you canprevent your opponent from hurting you. You’ll also be able to score points andwin. Remember that your fight might be considered boring. Therefore, this styleof wrestling is not for everyone.

9. Catch Wrestling

Wrestling is one of the best techniques for winning an MMA fight. However, you need to make sure that you’re using the right style. Catch wrestling will prove to be very beneficial. This style of wrestling combines wrestling and jiu-jitsu. Therefore, it is very effective for taking the opponent to the ground and submitting them rapidly. This type of wrestling has been around since the late 1800s but it is becoming more popular in MMA. Many former UFC Champions relied on this style to achieve their dreams. For instance, Frank Shamrock and Josh Barnett implemented catch wrestling techniques into their fighting styles.

Different fighting styles of the world

Also, Kazushi Sakuraba was a well-knowncatch wrestler and he managed to dominate the Gracies. Catch wrestling is greatbut it does have some limitations.


  • You can take your opponent down
  • You’ll learn how to submit your opponent
  • It has been proven successful by Frank Shamrock, Sakuraba, and Josh Barnett


  • You have to take your opponent down
  • You may get hit in the face too much

Is It For Me?

Different Fighting Styles

Catch wrestling is suitable for almosteveryone. It doesn’t take long to learn the techniques but it’ll take a longtime to master them. Nevertheless, you can begin finding success in MMAimmediately. If you get good at catch wrestling, you’ll be able to take downthe top strikers and nullify their strengths. If this sounds exciting to you,it is a good idea to learn more about catch wrestling.

10. Freestyle Wrestling

Freestyle wrestling is easily one of the best wrestling styles for MMA. As a freestyle wrestler, your options will be plentiful. You’ll be able to grab your opponent anywhere so you can secure the takedown. For instance, you’ll be able to shoot in for single and double legs. This ensures that you’ll have a far better chance of getting the right to the mat. Even if your stand-up skills are lacking, your freestyle wrestling prowess will ensure success.

Tito Ortiz, Mark Coleman, and KevinRandleman have used freestyle wrestling to secure UFC Championships. There is agood chance that freestyle wrestlers will continue to dominate the sport.Others cannot find a way to get back up allowing the wrestler to nullify thefight and score points. You’ll also find ways to punish your opponent from thetop position.


  • You’ll use double leg takedowns
  • You can score points on the ground
  • Your opponent won’t be able to get back up
  • You won’t have to worry about getting hit too much


  • If you can’t get them down, you’re in trouble

Is It For Me?

Ultimately, freestyle wrestling is one ofthe best martial arts for any MMA fighter. It’ll enable you to control thefight at all times. If you’re getting hit in the face too much, you can stopthat by securing a takedown. If you’re getting tired, you can snag a takedownand recover. Freestyle wrestling is the most effective martial art since nobodyhas found a way to overcome its strengthens. Just remember that you shouldn’tstop here. Once you’ve learned how to freestyle wrestle, you should add otherskills to your arsenal. Do that and you can become an unstoppable MMA fighter.


How Many Martial Arts Are There In MMA?

At the end of the day, there are tons ofmartial arts in MMA. Simultaneously, you have to understand that mixed martialarts has evolved over the years. In the past, it was common for fighters topractice only one martial art. This allowed wrestlers to test their skillsagainst boxers. Then, submission fighters were able to do the same. Today, mostfighters are going to combine various disciplines to get the desired results.With that being said, there are hundreds of martial arts used in MMA andthey’re growing.

What Is The Most Deadly Martial Art?

Combat Jujitus is believed to be one of the most deadly martial arts in the world. This style is utilized by the United States Special Forces and it is believed to be the deadliest known to man. Some others that may rank high on the list include Krav Maga, Sambo, Muay Thai, and Silat.

What Fighting Styles Are Not Allowed InUFC?

Ultimately, most fighting styles areallowed in the UFC. However, that fighting style will need to conform to therules and regulations of the Ultimate Fighting Championship. However, Aikido isnot allowed. This is the case because this style uses illegal finger locks.

We all fight with our loved ones. From those mind-games to the silent stares, we express our anger or hurt in different ways. Yes, there are times when we become over-expressive, but too often, we simply let go of an argument because we are too lazy to discuss things. Since we all love differently, we even fight and share our disappointments in our own unique way.

Sometimes, we want to have an upper hand in our relationship while there are times when we are ready to give up everything we have for our significant other. Nevertheless, it is all about realizing that there is no fight in this world that can be as significant as our love for our partner. Believe it or not, every couple has a peculiar fighting routine. Chances are that the two of you depict either one of these fighting styles as well. Every style has its own pros and cons. There is definitely no harm in fighting with your partner, but if it is getting persistent, you should definitely make an effort to make things better. By changing the way you argue, you might solve most of the problems in your relationship. Try to identify which fighting style is yours and take a step up to come up with a solution.

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1. The silent mode

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This is one of the most common ways of going through a fight. Too often, we don’t say anything and let our partner speak their heart out. We do it only to calm the situation and not trigger our partner with our words. While this might work at times, it would cause more damage to your relationship than good.

You don’t channel your emotions and will expect your partner to understand your silence. Gradually, it will cause a lack of balance in your relationship. Your silence would only boost your partner and they might become abusive as well. Additionally, they might start assuming that you have no interest in your relationship. They would read your silence with their own perspective and would start taking you for granted.

Most significantly, it might cause some serious damage to your self-esteem as well. You would keep everything within and won’t define your feelings. This might cause suppressed anger and can further root some serious issues in your life as well. Instead of simply staying silent, try to be polite and let your partner know your side of the story.

2. The bully-victim routine

There are plenty of relationships that depict this hostile behavior. It has been observed by psychologists that in a persisting fight, there is always a bully and a victim. Though, this equation can never work in a relationship, as it is supposed to be a game of equals. You can neither be the victim nor the bully. It doesn’t matter even if you have committed something wrong, your partner can’t bully you in any way.

If the two of you always fight this way, then you should definitely bring a change in your life. Either talk to each other or take some professional help, as it is extremely catastrophic, not only for your relationship, but also for your individuality.

3. The “right and wrong” rationalization

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This is one of the most pragmatic ways to fight. After spending a substantial amount of time with your partner, you start seeing everything in black and white and won’t let your emotions hinder your fight. Instead, you approach it with a reason and state every argument by providing a factual piece of evidence behind it. Though, it is a healthy practice, but not everything in this world can be painted in black and white. Relationships are supposed to make you emotional. It is okay to let your feelings cloud your judgment at times. After all, it is a good thing to see the best in your partner and give them the benefit of the doubt every now and then.

4. The “let’s avoid this fight” couple

The moment you realize an argument can turn into a big fight, you avoid it altogether. Yes, I get it! For you, the relationship matters more than a stupid argument, but at the same time, you can’t just let it slip away. It is okay to avoid it at times, but you should not completely forget about that issue as well. Try to have a fruitful discussion with your partner at the right time. You can’t run away from an issue your whole life. Sooner or later, you need to face it and come up with a solution.

Suggested read:This is how you STAY together, after that BIG fight!

5. The name-calling

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You might be thinking that this is the most hostile way of fighting. Well, it’s not. Of course, you should never abuse your partner, or get abused by them as well. There are certain names that should never be called, but if you are simply teasing your partner to spice things up and lead that argument into something as steamy as a make-up sex, then it’s acceptable at times (as long as you don’t cross the line). Of course, you can’t do it all the time. If you or your partner crosses the line way too often, then you got to fix things up. Name-calling is never the right way to reach a solution.

6. Passive-aggressive

There are plenty of couples who simply fight for a few minutes and then get over it by burying the hatchet. And then, there are the kinds of couples who are the kings and queens of the passive-aggressive-land. They will never let you realize how pissed they are. Instead, they would wait for the right time. Everything that you have done in your past will come back to you unalarmed.

Passive-aggressive behavior can never let you have a strong relationship. Your partner might start doubting your intentions and can lose their trust on you as well. Your entire relationship would become a series of calculated moves. Before saying or doing anything, your partner would think of all the future consequences. If you are pissed at your partner, have a conversation with them. Don’t just wait for them to commit the same mistake again.

7. The “it’s my fault” excuse

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It is one of the most commonly depicted fighting styles related to conflict-avoidance. You know you don’t have the will or the power to argue with your partner anymore and it could be your way of simply avoiding the blame-game. But at the same time, you can’t even lose them either.

Instead of letting your partner know their shortcomings, you simply give up and take the blame without realizing the consequences. This will not only encourage your partner, but it might cause some serious damage to your confidence as well. You would start looking at your flaws and might become a silent victim. The next time, even after committing a disastrous mistake, your partner would simply put the blame on you and might get away with it.

8. The “you need to change” style

This is just the reverse of the self-blame routine. Instead of focusing on your flaws, you always try to make your partner believe that it is their mistake. You should understand that it is not about finding flaws in your partner. No one is perfect in this world and chances are that you might be having plenty of flaws as well. If you think your partner has a serious addiction, which causes most of the fights, then you should definitely ask them to change. Besides that, instead of trying to change your partner, you should accept them as they are.

Don’t focus on the “you need to change” part. Try to come up with a mutual solution and have a “let’s change things together” perspective towards it. You can’t just blame your partner for everything and ask for a constant validation. You should rather meet them halfway.

9. The “let’s grow together” discussions

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If you and your partner are one of those couples who are able to find a perfect bliss in their relationship, then consider yourself quite fortunate. Not everyone is able to have this kind of balance in their life. You know you can’t look for your partner’s mistakes or avoid a fight by coming up with an irrelevant excuse. Instead, you always try to have a fruitful discussion in order to overcome a solution.

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You know that change is one of the most inevitable things in this world. Instead of simply changing your partner, you would like to grow with them. The two of you have a constructive approach and always take turns while having an argument. You rather discuss your issues and try to reach a conclusion instead of fighting for hours or calling each other hurtful names. If you don’t fight this way, then try to bring a positive change in your relationship and learn to respect your partner as an equal individual.

There are different kinds of fighting styles. While some of them don’t always result in a productive relationship, there are also a few of them that can help you attain a perfect balance in your life. No matter how you fight with your partner, always try to ask yourself – “is the fight more important than my relationship?” and you will certainly get your answer. If you are having a communication gap, try to talk to your partner and sort things out. Now when you know about different styles of fighting, which one do you think the two of you follow? Let us know in the comments.

Different fighting styles jump force

Featured image source: Google, copyright-free image under Creative Commons License

9 Fighting Styles Of Couples And How Many (Don't) Work
It is no revelation that couples fight but their fighting styles could be a major determinant of their relationship quality!