How To Play Rummy Uk

How to Play Rummy: A Beginners Guide To Play 13 Cards Indian Rummy

Now, if you’ve always wanted to get in on the exhilarating rummy action, but didn't know quite how to play rummy, what the game was all about, or indeed what the rules and object of the game was, then you’ve come to the right place, for we’re here to answer all these questions and more for you. After you go through this simple and easy Indian rummy guide, you would be well equipped to get right into the heart of the action, and even win. So let’s get started with this 13 card rummy guide.

Dealer gives one card at a time face down, beginning with the player on the left. When two people play, each person gets 10 cards. When three or four people play, each receives seven cards; when five or six play, each receives six cards. The remaining cards are placed face down on the table, forming the stock. Kalooki is a game from the 'Rummy Family' using 2 decks and 2 jokers - total 106 cards. It can be played with between 2 to 5 players. A complete game of Kalooki consists of several rounds of game-play, where players try to dispose of their cards as quickly as possible.

The objective of the game

Put very simply and succinctly, the objective of the game of Indian rummy is to create sequences and sets from the cards you hold in your hand. (We will get into the rules of the game later on in this page.) Creating valid sequences and sets faster than any of your opponents gives you a better chance of winning the game.

Fundamentals of rummy

Before we go headlong into this guide on how to play Indian rummy, and before we get into the intricacies and nuances of the game, it’s important that you understand some basics and fundamentals of rummy first. Here they are:

  1. Rummy is a game played between anywhere from two to six players.
  2. Indian rummy is played with 2 deck of cards with 13 cards distributed to each player.
  3. The required sequence of cards, as prescribed by the rules of the game should follow this strict order or 'sequence' - Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen and King.
  4. The value of ‘Face cards’ i.e., the Jack, the King and the Queen is 10 points each.
  5. The value of an Ace card is 10 points when making sets.
  6. Number cards are worth the same number of points as the number printed on them.
    For example:
    i. 6♥ is worth 6 points
    ii. 7♦ is worth 7 points
  7. When forming sequences, an Ace can be considered to be ‘1’ or a face card.
  8. A sequence is a group of three or four consecutive cards (as described in point 2), but these cards should all be from the same suit.
    Examples of valid sequences:
    i. 6♦ 7♦ 8♦ 9♦
    ii. Ace♣ King♣ Queen♣ Jack♣
  9. A set is made up of three or four cards from different suits, but of the same value or ‘face card’.
  10. Examples of valid sets:
    i. 8♦ 8♥ 8♣ 8♠
    ii. Queen♣ Queen♦ Queen♥
  11. Jokers: When players play rummy with Jokers, a joker can be used as a substitute for another card and the players can use them in place of any other cards to form a set or sequence.
  12. There are two kinds of Jokers:
    i. Wild Joker: This is simply a random card chosen by the players from the closed deck, and this card is deemed to be the Wild Joker for that game.
    ii. Printed Jokers: Jokers that have ‘Joker’ printed on them from the packs of cards
  13. Example of a valid sequence with a Joker:
    5♦ 6♦ Joker 8♦ (Joker used in place of 7♦) Example of a valid set with a Joker: 6♣ 6♦ 6♥ Joker (Joker used in place of 6♠) 1. Please note that these rules apply to both Printed and Wild jokers
    2. Jokers cannot be used to make Impure sequences, but not to form Pure sequences
  14. The 'dealer',i.e., the player responsible for dealing the cards is chosen at random at the start of the game, and each player will be given a chance to be the dealer for each subsequent game.

How to play rummy

Now that we’ve clearly understand the fundamentals of the game, let’s get into the rules of the game and tell you how to play rummy! So here we go!

  1. To begin with, the packs of cards are shuffled (number of packs is determined by the number of players involved - look at point ‘b’ above).
  2. The dealer then proceeds to deal 13 cards to each player in a cyclical motion.
  3. A ‘closed deck’, consisting of the remaining cards after all players are dealt their 13 cards each, is placed face down on the table and known as the closed deck.
  4. The game of rummy begins with one card placed in the open deck and a card selected at random as the designated or selected wild joker for the game. The cards in the open deck are placed ‘face up’.
  5. Once the cards are dealt, each player in the prescribed order, can either draw a card (pick up a card) from the closed deck and discard one of their own cards to the open deck.
  6. The player drawing the card can choose one from the open deck, where he can see the card he’s drawing, or one from the closed deck where the cards are turned face down
  7. Every time a player picks a card from either the closed or open deck, he must discard one of the cards in his hand to the open deck.
  8. This ‘drawing and dropping’ of cards continues, till a player forms valid sequences and sets and ‘shows’ or ‘declares’ this to the other players by showing all the other players his sequences and sets. After this, the declarer should wait for the other players to do the same. A valid declaration or show garners zero points
  9. For each Rummy game, a random card selected from the deck serves as the Card Joker. If by chance a printed Joker is picked during the process then the Ace cards of all the suits serve as the Card Joker for that particular game.
    • A valid declaration or show should consist of two sequences (of which one must be pure) and remaining cards can be arranged as sets.
    • A valid sequence of not less than three cards from the same suit, but without a joker - referred to a Pure Sequence.
    • A valid sequence of not less than three cards from the same suit with or without a joker or jokers. If jokers are used, this is referred to as an Impure sequence.

How points are calculated

  1. The aim of the game is to get fewer points than all of your opponents, or no points at all.
  2. The winner of the game is the player who has no points or zero points. Therefore, a valid declaration or show garners zero points.
  3. The second player to declare with a valid declaration will earn the player two points.
  4. As previously explained, all the face cards and Aces will earn a player 10 points. Jokers of both kinds (Wild and Printed) are worth zero points, while all the other cards will earn a player the same number of points as the number printed on the card.
  5. If a losing player does not have two sequences including a Pure sequence, then all of his or her cards are added up to determine his or her score - the maximum points in this case is capped at 80.
  6. However, if a losing player does have two or more sequences, as well as a pure sequence, only the cards out of the sequences will be considered when his or her score is being calculated.
  7. A wrong declaration or invalid show will earn player 80 points.
  8. If a player is dissatisfied with the cards he or she is dealt, they can choose to ‘drop’, that is, concede the game at their first turn before drawing a card. This action is called a First Drop and will earn a player 20 points, and he or she ‘drops out’ and does not participate in that game.
  9. Any drop after the First Drop is called a Middle Drop and will earn a player 40 points.
  10. A player will get 40 points if they leave the table after drawing a card from the closed deck, and this action will considered as a Middle Drop. However, if the player drops out without seeing the card, it will considered as a First Drop and will only earn them 20 points.
  11. Points for dropping based on the type of rummy:
    101 Pool Rummy:
    • 20 points prior to drawing a card known as the ‘First Drop’.
    • 40 Points after drawing a card known as a ‘Middle Drop

    201 Pool Rummy
    • 25 points prior to drawing a card known as the ‘First Drop’.
    • 50 Points after drawing a card known as a ‘Middle Drop

Types of sequences

Any guide on how to play 13 cards rummy online must include a clear explanation as to what a sequence is. As mentioned before, there are two types of sequences, they are Pure Sequences and Impure sequences.

Pure sequences: : A consecutive group of three or more cards of the same suit, created without the use of a printed or wild joker. Here are examples of Pure Sequences:

Example 1:
7♠ 8♠ 9♠

As you will notice from Example 1 above, there is a consecutive valid sequence formed by cards of the same suit. Also, the sequence does not contain a joker

Example 2:
Ace♣ 2♣ 3♣ 4♣

From Example 2, you will notice once again that there is a valid sequence of cards from the same suit as dictated by the rules of the game, also no jokers are used. In this example you will also notice that sequences need not be only three cards, but could involve four cards as well.

Impure sequences: This sequence can be defined as a group of consecutive cards of the same suit, but which is only possible with the use of a joker (printed or wild joker). Let’s look at a couple of examples of Impure sequences.

Example 1
4♦ 5♦ Joker 7♦

In Example 1, you will notice that either the printed joker or the wild joker has been used to form a valid sequence of the Diamond suit beginning from 4♦ and extending upwards to the 7♦. The joker has been used in place of the missing 6♦.

Example 2
King♠ Queen♠ Jack♠ Joker

In Example 2, the joker has been used to complete a sequence from the Spades suit, standing in place of the 10♠.

Valid Sets

A how to play card rummy guide must also clearly explain what a valid rummy set is. Therefore, a set can be defined as a group of cards (Three or Four cards) of the same value but from different suits. A valid set however, should not contain two or more cards of the same suit. Please note however that a set should not have more than four cards, and a joker can be used to complete a valid set.

Example 1

King♣ King♦ King♥ King♠

In Example 1, you will notice that the cards used to form the set are of the same face value or printed value i.e., the King. You will also notice that each card in this set belongs to different suits.

Example 2

Joker 7♦ 7♥ 7♠

In Example 2, a joker has been used in place of the 7♣ to complete a valid set of four cards. You will notice that the cards in the set have the same face value, but belong to different suits.

Invalid Sets

A set is said to be invalid if two or more cards of the same suit are used to form the set of three or four cards. Let’s look at examples of invalid sets:

Example 1

4♠ 4♦ 4♥ 4♠

From Example 1, you can clearly see that even though the set has been formed by cards of the same face value or the same printed value, the card of the ♠ suit has been used twice, and therefore it is considered as an invalid set.

Example 2

Queen♣ Queen♦ Queen♥ Queen♦

In Example 2, again you will notice that even though each card is of the same face value, there are two cards from the ♦ suit. This therefore, cannot be considered as a valid set.

Valid declaration

A declaration is a pivotal and culminating and crucial part of the game when you play rummy for cash or otherwise. Therefore, it’s important to know what a valid declaration or show is with examples. A valid declaration should use all 13 cards and must contain:

● Two valid sequences
● Two valid sets
● At least one Pure sequence

Examples of valid declarations

Example 1

Ace♦ 2♦ 3♦ 4♦ - Valid sequence 1

5♠ 6♠ 7♠ - Valid sequence 2

9♦ 9♠ 9♣ - Valid set 1

Queen♠ Queen♦ Queen♣ - Valid set 2

From Example 1, you will notice that all 13 cards have been used to form two valid sequences and two valid sets. Also, there is at least one Pure sequence. Therefore, this is a valid declaration.

Example 2

3♥ 4♥ 5♥ 6♥ - Valid pure sequence 1

Jack♣ 7♥ Jack♥ - Valid sequence 2 where 7♥ is the wild joker (Impure sequence)

Queen♠ Queen♦ Queen♣ - Valid set 1

9♠ 9♥ 9♣ - Valid set 2

In Example 2, there are two clear sequences, one pure sequence, and the second one an Impure sequence which uses the joker to complete the sequence. You will also notice that there are two valid sets as well - all of this ensures that this is a valid declaration

Invalid or wrong declarations

An invalid declaration is one where at least one of the sequences and/or sets are invalid and/or does not contain the correct number of sequences and sets. Let’s look at some examples:

Example 1 - Where 9♥ is the wild joker

A♥ 2♥ 3♥ 4♥ - Valid pure sequence

5♣ 5♠ 9♥ - Valid set 1 with wild joker

6♦ 6♠ 9♥ - Valid set 2 with wild joker

7♦ 7♣ 7♥ - Valid set 3

In Example 1, all the sequences and sets are valid, however, there is only one sequence. In order to make a valid declaration, there must be at least two valid sequences.

Example 2 - Where an invalid set is used

A♣ 2♣ 3♣ 4♣ - Valid sequence 1

5♣ 6♣ 7♣ - Valid sequence 2

7♥ 7♦ 7♥ - Invalid set

9♦ 9♠ 9♣ - Valid set 2

From Example 2, you will notice that 7♥ has been used twice to form an invalid set. As such, this invalidates the who declaration, even though the other criteria has been met. With that, we complete this rummy guide. Now we do hope you are now all set to enter the rummy arena! You could even begin with a few practice games on RummyCentral. Nothing comes close to the sheer excitement, thrill and rush of playing rummy. This game of skill is so very interesting and engrossing that it continues to be one of the most popular games in India. What’s more, once you add the possibility of winning some cash - the stakes are raised by several notches, and the excitement builds so very deliciously. Now, we do hope to see you at RummyCentral, where you can get stuck into some truly exciting rummy action!

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Types of Rummy

Rummy games first appeared in the early twentieth century, and are probably derived from the Mexican game Conquian. This page describes basic rummy, also known in the card game literature as Straight Rummy. For other types of rummy, and related games, see the rummy index page. Note that many people use the name Rummy to refer to the game called 500 Rummy on this site, in which more than one card can be taken from the discard pile, and points are scored for cards melded.

Basic Rummy

The game is best played with two to four players, but up to six can take part. Either a fixed number of deals are played, or the game is played to a target score. The number of deals or the target score needs to be agreed before beginning to play.

The Deck

One standard deck of 52 cards is used. Cards in each suit rank, from low to high:

Ace 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Jack Queen King

The Deal

The first dealer is chosen randomly, and the turn to deal alternates if there are two players, and rotates clockwise if there are more than two. In a two player game, each player is dealt a hand of ten cards. Seven cards each are dealt if there are three or four players, and when five or six play each player gets six cards. The cards are dealt one at a time, and after the deal, the next card is placed face up on the table to start the discard pile, and the remainder of the deck is placed face down beside it to form the stock. The players look at and sort their cards.

Object of the Game

The object of the game is to dispose of all the cards in your hand. There are three ways to get rid of cards: melding, laying off, and discarding.

  • Melding is taking a combination of cards from your hand, and placing it face up in front of you on the table, where it stays. There are two kinds of combination which can be melded: sequences (also known as runs) and groups (also known as sets or books).
    • a sequence or run consists of three or more cards of the same suit in consecutive order, such as 4, 5, 6 or 8, 9, 10, J.
    • a group, set or book is three or four cards of the same rank, such as 7, 7, 7.
  • Laying off is adding a card or cards from your hand to a meld already on the table. Thecards added to a meld must make another valid meld. For example to the 4, 5, 6you could add the 3 or the 7. You are not permitted to rearrange the melds in the process.For example, 2, 2, 2, 2 and 3, 4, 5 have been melded,you are not permitted to move the 2 from the group to the sequence, so as to lay off the A.
  • Discarding is playing a card from your hand on top of the discard pile. You get rid of one card this way at the end of each turn.


If there are two players, they take alternate turns starting with the non dealer. If there are more than two players, they take turns in clockwise rotation, beginning with the player to dealer's left.

Each turn consists of the following parts:

  1. The Draw. You must begin by taking one card from either the top of the Stock pile or the top card on the discard pile, and adding it to your hand. The discard pile is face up, so you can see in advance what you are getting. The stock is face down, so if you choose to draw from the stock you do not see the card until after you have committed yourself to take it. If you draw from the stock, you add the card to your hand without showing it to the other players.
  2. Melding. If you have a valid group or sequence in your hand, you may lay one such combination face up on the table in front of you. You cannot meld more than one combination in a turn (but see House Rules). Melding is optional; you are not obliged to meld just because you can.
  3. Laying off. This is also optional. If you wish, you may add cards to groups or sequences previously melded by yourself or others. There is no limit to the number of cards a player may lay off in one turn.
  4. The Discard At the end of your turn, one card must be discarded from your hand and placed on top of the discard pile face up. If you began your turn by picking up the top card of the discard pile you are not allowed to end that turn by discarding the same card, leaving the pile unchanged - you must discard a different card. You may however pick up the discard on one turn and discard that same card at a later turn. If you draw a card from the stock, it can be discarded on the same turn if you wish.

If the stock pile has run out and the next player does not want to take the discard, the discard pile is turned over, without shuffling, to form a new stock, and play continues - but see the variations section for a discussion of alternatives and problems that can arise.

A player wins an individual hand by either melding, laying off, or discarding all of his or her cards. Getting rid of your last card in one of these ways is called going out. As soon as someone goes out, play ceases. There can be no further melding or laying off, even if the other players have valid combinations in their hands.


When a player goes out, the other players add up the value of all the cards still remaining in their hands, as follows:

  • Face cards (K,Q,J) are worth 10 points each
  • Aces are worth 1 point each
  • Number Cards are worth their face value - for example a six is worth 6 points, a four is 4 points, and so on.

The total value of all the cards in the hands of the other players is added to the winner's cumulative score.

The game continues with further deals until a player reaches the points target that was decided before the game began, or until the agreed number of deals has been played.

Optional House Rules.

These optional rules should be discussed and decided by the players before the beginning of the first deal.

Multiple Melds

  1. Some people play that you can lay down as many melds as you desire in each turn.
  2. Most people allow a player who has not previously melded or laid off any cards to earn a special bonus if they can go out in a single turn by melding or laying off theirentire hand. This is called going rummy, and the score for the hand isdoubled, or in some versions the winner gets a bonus of 10 points.

Laying off

Some play that you may not lay off any cards on other players' melds until you have laid down at least one meld of your own.

Ace High or Low

In the standard game, aces are low. A-2-3 is a valid run but Q-K-A is not. However, some play that aces can be counted as high or low, so that Q-K-A is also a valid run. When playing with this rule, aces are given the higher value of 15 points instead of 1 point, reflecting their greater usefulness.

A few players go further and allow 'round the corner' runs with an ace in the middle (K-A-2), but this is unusual.

Last discard

How To Rummy Card Game

Some people play that in order to go out, you must end your turn by discarding your last card. You are not allowed to meld all your cards, leaving nothing to discard.

How To Play Rummy For Beginners

End of the Stock

Some play that when the stock has run out and the next player does not want the discard, the discard pile is shuffled before reusing it as a stock. This is the version now given in most books. If there is no shuffle, players who can memorise the order of cards in the discard pile will clearly have an advantage.

It is just about possible, though very unlikely, that a repetitive situation could occur where each player is holding on to cards wanted by the others. Each player draws from the stock and discards the card they just drew. In this case, recycling the discard pile as a new stock, whether shuffled or not, will not help. If the players are stubborn, the game could be endless. To avoid this, it may be a good idea to limit the number of times that the discard pile can be reused as a new stock. I suggest that after the stock becomes exhausted for the third time, the play should end if the next player does not want to take the discard. Alternatively, you could agree that the discard pile gets reused only once and the play ends when the stock is used up for the second time.

In the version known as Block Rummy, the discard pile is not reused at all. If the stock has run out and the next player does not want to take the discard, the game ends at that point. Everyone scores the value of the cards remaining in their hands.

If the game ends without anyone going out, all players count the value of the cards remaining in their hands. The winner is the player with least points, and scores the sum of the differences between this and the points in each other player's hand. Example: A has 6; B has 15; C has 7; D has 21. A is the winner and scores 25 = (9 + 1 + 15). If two or more players tie for lowest, they share the winnings equally.

Players are allowed, at their turn, to count the number of cards remaining in the face down stock if they wish. As a courtesy (to save others having to count as well), a player who counts the stock should correctly announce to the other players how many stock cards remain.


Some play that instead of the winner scoring points, each of the losers score penalty points according to the cards left in their hand. If the game ends without a winner then everyone scores their cards as penalty points. When someone reaches 100 or more, the player with the lowest score wins.

Some play that each loser pays the winner according to the number of points in their hand (or the difference between their score and the winner's score if no one went out). This method is appropriate when playing for money. The session would last for a set number of hands rather than be played to a target score.

Wrotham Rummy

Daryl Brown describes the following variant payed in Wrotham, Kent, UK. A 55-card pack is used, including three jokers which are used as wild cards. A joker can be used as a substitute for any card needed to melded a set or run. A player who holds the card that a melded joker represents can, during her turn, exchange the real card for the joker.

Six deals are played. Eight cards are dealt to the starting player and seven to each other player. On the first turn the starting player does not draw, but just discards a card (or melds and discards). In the first three rounds players meld and lay off as usual, but in the last three rounds, players may not meld any cards until they are able to lay down all seven at once.

Other Rummy WWW pages

Randy Rasa's has rules for various rummy games, as well as reviews of many rummy software packages and on-line servers.

In several card game books the British author George Hervey published rules for basic Rummy and a variant that amounts to Knock Rummy under the name Colonel. You can read the rules of Colonel on Howard Fosdick's page (archive copy). is a German language site offering rules for many rummy games, strategy articles, reviews of online rummy sites and a forum.

In the early 2000's the Deutsche Skatverband organised Rommé events and championships and published Rommé tournament rules.

There are rules in French on Jean-François Bustarret's Rami page.

For other types of rummy see the Rummy Games index page.

Rummy software and on line games

At Game Duell you can play Rommé (German) or Rami (French) online for fun or real money: they offer a variant using two decks and 6 jokers, in which a player's first meld must be worth at least 40 points.

German Rommé, with two decks, 6 jokers and a minimum of 40 points for the initial meld, can also be played at online

A Rummy program for Windows (a two-player game against the computer with 10 cards dealt to each player) is available from Card Games Galore.

The Rummy program from Special K Software supports ten Rummy variants, which you can play against computer opponents.

You can play Rummy online against the computer or against live opponents at VIP Games.

Windows software for Italian Rummy (Ramino) is available from Alberosa.

Antonio Ferraioli has written a Rummy (Ramino) app for iPhone or iPad.

How To Play Rummy Uk Play

A version of Basic Rummy can be played online at CardzMania.

Rummy can be played online at TrapApps. offers an online Rummy game against live opponents or computer players.

Sylvain Labbe's Free Card Games includes Net.Rummy, an online Rummy program with customisable rules for play against live opponents. It can be used both on desktop computers and on mobile devices of several types.